package Mojo::IOLoop::Server; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter'; use Carp qw(croak); use IO::Socket::IP; use IO::Socket::UNIX; use Mojo::File qw(path); use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::IOLoop::TLS; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY); has reactor => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->reactor }, weak => 1; sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} =~ s/(?:^|\,)\Q$self->{reuse}\E// if $self->{reuse}; $self->stop if $self->{handle} && $self->reactor; } sub generate_port { IO::Socket::IP->new(Listen => 5, LocalAddr => '')->sockport } sub handle { shift->{handle} } sub is_accepting { !!shift->{active} } sub listen { my ($self, $args) = (shift, ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : {@_}); # Look for reusable file descriptor my $path = $args->{path}; my $address = $args->{address} || ''; my $port = $args->{port}; $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} ||= ''; my $fd = ($path && $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} =~ /(?:^|\,)unix:\Q$path\E:(\d+)/) || ($port && $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} =~ /(?:^|\,)\Q$address:$port\E:(\d+)/) ? $1 : undef; # Allow file descriptor inheritance local $^F = 1023; # Reuse file descriptor my $handle; my $class = $path ? 'IO::Socket::UNIX' : 'IO::Socket::IP'; if (defined($fd //= $args->{fd})) { $handle = $class->new_from_fd($fd, 'r') or croak "Can't open file descriptor $fd: $!"; } else { my %options = (Listen => $args->{backlog} // SOMAXCONN, Type => SOCK_STREAM); # UNIX domain socket my $reuse; if ($path) { path($path)->remove if -S $path; $options{Local} = $path; $handle = $class->new(%options) or croak "Can't create listen socket: $!"; $reuse = $self->{reuse} = join ':', 'unix', $path, fileno $handle; } # IP socket else { $options{LocalAddr} = $address; $options{LocalAddr} =~ y/[]//d; $options{LocalPort} = $port if $port; $options{ReuseAddr} = 1; $options{ReusePort} = $args->{reuse}; $handle = $class->new(%options) or croak "Can't create listen socket: $@"; $fd = fileno $handle; $reuse = $self->{reuse} = join ':', $address, $handle->sockport, $fd; } $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} .= length $ENV{MOJO_REUSE} ? ",$reuse" : "$reuse"; } $handle->blocking(0); @$self{qw(args handle)} = ($args, $handle); croak 'IO::Socket::SSL 2.009+ required for TLS support' if !Mojo::IOLoop::TLS->can_tls && $args->{tls}; } sub port { shift->{handle}->sockport } sub start { my $self = shift; weaken $self; ++$self->{active} and $self->reactor->io($self->{handle} => sub { $self->_accept })->watch($self->{handle}, 1, 0); } sub stop { delete($_[0]{active}) and $_[0]->reactor->remove($_[0]{handle}) } sub _accept { my $self = shift; # Greedy accept my $args = $self->{args}; my $accepted = 0; while ($self->{active} && !($args->{single_accept} && $accepted++)) { return unless my $handle = $self->{handle}->accept; $handle->blocking(0); # Disable Nagle's algorithm setsockopt $handle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1; $self->emit(accept => $handle) and next unless $args->{tls}; # Start TLS handshake my $tls = Mojo::IOLoop::TLS->new($handle)->reactor($self->reactor); $tls->on(upgrade => sub { $self->emit(accept => pop) }); $tls->on(error => sub { }); $tls->negotiate(%$args, server => 1); } } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::IOLoop::Server - Non-blocking TCP and UNIX domain socket server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::IOLoop::Server; # Create listen socket my $server = Mojo::IOLoop::Server->new; $server->on(accept => sub ($server, $handle) {...}); $server->listen(port => 3000); # Start and stop accepting connections $server->start; $server->stop; # Start reactor if necessary $server->reactor->start unless $server->reactor->is_running; =head1 DESCRIPTION L accepts TCP/IP and UNIX domain socket connections for L. =head1 EVENTS L inherits all events from L and can emit the following new ones. =head2 accept $server->on(accept => sub ($server, $handle) {...}); Emitted for each accepted connection. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 reactor my $reactor = $server->reactor; $server = $server->reactor(Mojo::Reactor::Poll->new); Low-level event reactor, defaults to the C attribute value of the global L singleton. Note that this attribute is weakened. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 generate_port my $port = Mojo::IOLoop::Server->generate_port; Find a free TCP port, primarily used for tests. =head2 handle my $handle = $server->handle; Get handle for server, usually an L object. =head2 is_accepting my $bool = $server->is_accepting; Check if connections are currently being accepted. =head2 listen $server->listen(port => 3000); $server->listen({port => 3000}); Create a new listen socket. Note that TLS support depends on L (2.009+). These options are currently available: =over 2 =item address address => '' Local address to listen on, defaults to C<>. =item backlog backlog => 128 Maximum backlog size, defaults to C. =item fd fd => 3 File descriptor with an already prepared listen socket. =item path path => '/tmp/myapp.sock' Path for UNIX domain socket to listen on. =item port port => 80 Port to listen on, defaults to a random port. =item reuse reuse => 1 Allow multiple servers to use the same port with the C socket option. =item single_accept single_accept => 1 Only accept one connection at a time. =item tls tls => 1 Enable TLS. =item tls_ca tls_ca => '/etc/tls/ca.crt' Path to TLS certificate authority file. =item tls_cert tls_cert => '/etc/tls/server.crt' tls_cert => {'' => '/etc/tls/mojo.crt'} Path to the TLS cert file, defaults to a built-in test certificate. =item tls_key tls_key => '/etc/tls/server.key' tls_key => {'' => '/etc/tls/mojo.key'} Path to the TLS key file, defaults to a built-in test key. =item tls_options tls_options => {SSL_alpn_protocols => ['foo', 'bar'], SSL_verify_mode => 0x00} Additional options for L. =back =head2 port my $port = $server->port; Get port this server is listening on. =head2 start $server->start; Start or resume accepting connections. =head2 stop $server->stop; Stop accepting connections. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut