package SQL::Abstract::Pg; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent 'SQL::Abstract'; our $VERSION = '1.01'; BEGIN { *puke = \&SQL::Abstract::puke } sub insert { my ($self, $table, $data, $options) = @_; local @{$options}{qw(returning _pg_returning)} = (1, 1) if exists $options->{on_conflict} && !$options->{returning}; return $self->SUPER::insert($table, $data, $options); } sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_); # -json op push @{$self->{unary_ops}}, { regex => qr/^json$/, handler => sub { '?', {json => $_[2]} } }; return $self; } sub _insert_returning { my ($self, $options) = @_; delete $options->{returning} if $options->{_pg_returning}; # ON CONFLICT my $sql = ''; my @bind; if (exists $options->{on_conflict}) { my $conflict = $options->{on_conflict}; my ($conflict_sql, @conflict_bind); $self->_SWITCH_refkind( $conflict => { ARRAYREF => sub { my ($target, $set) = @$conflict; puke 'on_conflict value must be in the form [$target, \%set]' unless ref $set eq 'HASH'; $target = [$target] unless ref $target eq 'ARRAY'; $conflict_sql = '(' . join(', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @$target) . ')'; $conflict_sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' do update set '); my ($set_sql, @set_bind) = $self->_update_set_values($set); $conflict_sql .= $set_sql; push @conflict_bind, @set_bind; }, ARRAYREFREF => sub { ($conflict_sql, @conflict_bind) = @$$conflict }, SCALARREF => sub { $conflict_sql = $$conflict }, UNDEF => sub { $conflict_sql = $self->_sqlcase('do nothing') } } ); $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' on conflict ') . $conflict_sql; push @bind, @conflict_bind; } $sql .= $self->SUPER::_insert_returning($options) if $options->{returning}; return $sql, @bind; } sub _order_by { my ($self, $options) = @_; # Legacy return $self->SUPER::_order_by($options) if ref $options ne 'HASH' or grep {/^-(?:desc|asc)/i} keys %$options; # GROUP BY my $sql = ''; my @bind; if (defined(my $group = $options->{group_by})) { my $group_sql; $self->_SWITCH_refkind( $group => { ARRAYREF => sub { $group_sql = join ', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @$group; }, SCALARREF => sub { $group_sql = $$group } } ); $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' group by ') . $group_sql; } # HAVING if (defined(my $having = $options->{having})) { my ($having_sql, @having_bind) = $self->_recurse_where($having); $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' having ') . $having_sql; push @bind, @having_bind; } # ORDER BY $sql .= $self->_order_by($options->{order_by}) if defined $options->{order_by}; # LIMIT if (defined $options->{limit}) { $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' limit ') . '?'; push @bind, $options->{limit}; } # OFFSET if (defined $options->{offset}) { $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' offset ') . '?'; push @bind, $options->{offset}; } # FOR if (defined(my $for = $options->{for})) { my $for_sql; $self->_SWITCH_refkind( $for => { SCALAR => sub { puke qq{for value "$for" is not allowed} unless $for eq 'update'; $for_sql = $self->_sqlcase('UPDATE'); }, SCALARREF => sub { $for_sql .= $$for } } ); $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' for ') . $for_sql; } return $sql, @bind; } sub _select_fields { my ($self, $fields) = @_; return $fields unless ref $fields eq 'ARRAY'; my (@fields, @bind); for my $field (@$fields) { $self->_SWITCH_refkind( $field => { ARRAYREF => sub { puke 'field alias must be in the form [$name => $alias]' if @$field < 2; push @fields, $self->_quote($field->[0]) . $self->_sqlcase(' as ') . $self->_quote($field->[1]); }, ARRAYREFREF => sub { push @fields, shift @$$field; push @bind, @$$field; }, SCALARREF => sub { push @fields, $$field }, FALLBACK => sub { push @fields, $self->_quote($field) } } ); } return join(', ', @fields), @bind; } sub _table { my ($self, $table) = @_; return $self->SUPER::_table($table) unless ref $table eq 'ARRAY'; my (@table, @join); for my $t (@$table) { if (ref $t eq 'ARRAY') { push @join, $t } else { push @table, $t } } $table = $self->SUPER::_table(\@table); my $sep = $self->{name_sep} // ''; for my $join (@join) { puke 'join must be in the form [$table, $fk => $pk]' if @$join < 3; my ($type, $name, $fk, $pk, @morekeys) = @$join % 2 == 0 ? @$join : ('', @$join); $table .= $self->_sqlcase($type =~ /^-(.+)$/ ? " $1 join " : ' join ') . $self->_quote($name) . $self->_sqlcase(' on ') . '('; do { $table .= $self->_quote(index($fk, $sep) > 0 ? $fk : "$name.$fk") . ' = ' . $self->_quote(index($pk, $sep) > 0 ? $pk : "$table[0].$pk") . (@morekeys ? $self->_sqlcase(' and ') : ')'); } while ($fk, $pk, @morekeys) = @morekeys; } return $table; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME SQL::Abstract::Pg - PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Abstract::Pg; my $abstract = SQL::Abstract::Pg->new; say $abstract->select('some_table'); =head1 DESCRIPTION L extends L with a few PostgreSQL features used by L. =head2 JSON In many places (as supported by L) you can use the C<-json> unary op to encode JSON from Perl data structures. # "UPDATE some_table SET foo = '[1,2,3]' WHERE bar = 23" $abstract->update('some_table', {foo => {-json => [1, 2, 3]}}, {bar => 23}); # "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE foo = '[1,2,3]'" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', {foo => {'=' => {-json => [1, 2, 3]}}}); =head1 INSERT $abstract->insert($table, \@values || \%fieldvals, \%options); =head2 ON CONFLICT The C option can be used to generate C queries with C clauses. So far, C to pass C, array references to pass C with conflict targets and a C expression, scalar references to pass literal SQL and array reference references to pass literal SQL with bind values are supported. # "INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('b') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" $abstract->insert('t', {a => 'b'}, {on_conflict => undef}); # "INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('b') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" $abstract->insert('t', {a => 'b'}, {on_conflict => \'do nothing'}); This includes operations commonly referred to as C. # "INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('b') ON CONFLICT (a) DO UPDATE SET a = 'c'" $abstract->insert('t', {a => 'b'}, {on_conflict => [a => {a => 'c'}]}); # "INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES ('c', 'd') ON CONFLICT (a, b) DO UPDATE SET a = 'e'" $abstract->insert('t', {a => 'c', b => 'd'}, {on_conflict => [['a', 'b'] => {a => 'e'}]}); # "INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('b') ON CONFLICT (a) DO UPDATE SET a = 'c'" $abstract->insert('t', {a => 'b'}, {on_conflict => \['(a) do update set a = ?', 'c']}); =head1 SELECT $abstract->select($source, $fields, $where, $order); $abstract->select($source, $fields, $where, \%options); =head2 AS The C<$fields> argument now also accepts array references containing array references with field names and aliases, as well as array references containing scalar references to pass literal SQL and array reference references to pass literal SQL with bind values. # "SELECT foo AS bar FROM some_table" $abstract->select('some_table', [[foo => 'bar']]); # "SELECT foo, bar AS baz, yada FROM some_table" $abstract->select('some_table', ['foo', [bar => 'baz'], 'yada']); # "SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM foo) AS foo, bar FROM some_table" $abstract->select('some_table', [\'extract(epoch from foo) AS foo', 'bar']); # "SELECT 'test' AS foo, bar FROM some_table" $abstract->select('some_table', [\['? AS foo', 'test'], 'bar']); =head2 JOIN The C<$source> argument now also accepts array references containing not only table names, but also array references with tables to generate C clauses for. # "SELECT * FROM foo JOIN bar ON (bar.foo_id =" $abstract->select(['foo', ['bar', foo_id => 'id']]); # "SELECT * FROM foo JOIN bar ON ( = bar.foo_id)" $abstract->select(['foo', ['bar', '' => 'bar.foo_id']]); # "SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON (b.a_id = JOIN c ON (c.a_id =" $abstract->select(['a', ['b', a_id => 'id'], ['c', a_id => 'id']]); # "SELECT * FROM foo LEFT JOIN bar ON (bar.foo_id =" $abstract->select(['foo', [-left => 'bar', foo_id => 'id']]); # "SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON (b.a_id = AND b.a_id2 = a.id2)" $abstract->select(['a', [-left => 'b', a_id => 'id', a_id2 => 'id2']]); =head2 ORDER BY Alternatively to the C<$order> argument accepted by L you can now also pass a hash reference with various options. This includes C, which takes the same values as the C<$order> argument. # "SELECT * FROM some_table ORDER BY foo DESC" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', undef, {order_by => {-desc => 'foo'}}); =head2 LIMIT/OFFSET The C and C options can be used to generate C queries with C clauses. So far, array references to pass a list of fields and scalar references to pass literal SQL are supported. # "SELECT * FROM some_table GROUP BY foo, bar" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', undef, {group_by => ['foo', 'bar']}); # "SELECT * FROM some_table GROUP BY foo, bar" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', undef, {group_by => \'foo, bar'}); =head2 HAVING The C option can be used to generate C queries with C clauses. So far, the scalar value C to pass C and scalar references to pass literal SQL are supported. # "SELECT * FROM some_table FOR UPDATE" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', undef, {for => 'update'}); # "SELECT * FROM some_table FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED" $abstract->select('some_table', '*', undef, {for => \'update skip locked'}); =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L. =head1 AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, C. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2021, Sebastian Riedel and others. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut