package Mojo::WebSocket; use Mojo::Base -strict; use Config; use Exporter qw(import); use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode dumper sha1_bytes xor_encode); use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_WEBSOCKET_DEBUG} || 0; # Unique value from RFC 6455 use constant GUID => '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'; # Perl with support for quads use constant MODERN => (($Config{use64bitint} // '') eq 'define' || $Config{longsize} >= 8); # Opcodes use constant {WS_CONTINUATION => 0x0, WS_TEXT => 0x1, WS_BINARY => 0x2, WS_CLOSE => 0x8, WS_PING => 0x9, WS_PONG => 0xa}; our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw(WS_BINARY WS_CLOSE WS_CONTINUATION WS_PING WS_PONG WS_TEXT build_frame challenge client_handshake parse_frame), qw(server_handshake) ); sub build_frame { my ($masked, $fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload) = @_; warn "-- Building frame ($fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op)\n" if DEBUG; # Head my $head = $op + ($fin ? 128 : 0); $head |= 0b01000000 if $rsv1; $head |= 0b00100000 if $rsv2; $head |= 0b00010000 if $rsv3; my $frame = pack 'C', $head; # Small payload my $len = length $payload; if ($len < 126) { warn "-- Small payload ($len)\n@{[dumper $payload]}" if DEBUG; $frame .= pack 'C', $masked ? ($len | 128) : $len; } # Extended payload (16-bit) elsif ($len < 65536) { warn "-- Extended 16-bit payload ($len)\n@{[dumper $payload]}" if DEBUG; $frame .= pack 'Cn', $masked ? (126 | 128) : 126, $len; } # Extended payload (64-bit with 32-bit fallback) else { warn "-- Extended 64-bit payload ($len)\n@{[dumper $payload]}" if DEBUG; $frame .= pack 'C', $masked ? (127 | 128) : 127; $frame .= MODERN ? pack('Q>', $len) : pack('NN', 0, $len & 0xffffffff); } # Mask payload if ($masked) { my $mask = pack 'N', int(rand 9 x 7); $payload = $mask . xor_encode($payload, $mask x 128); } return $frame . $payload; } sub challenge { my $tx = shift; # "permessage-deflate" extension my $headers = $tx->res->headers; $tx->compressed(1) if ($headers->sec_websocket_extensions // '') =~ /permessage-deflate/; return _challenge($tx->req->headers->sec_websocket_key) eq $headers->sec_websocket_accept; } sub client_handshake { my $tx = shift; my $headers = $tx->req->headers; $headers->upgrade('websocket') unless $headers->upgrade; $headers->connection('Upgrade') unless $headers->connection; $headers->sec_websocket_version(13) unless $headers->sec_websocket_version; # Generate 16 byte WebSocket challenge my $challenge = b64_encode sprintf('%16u', int(rand 9 x 16)), ''; $headers->sec_websocket_key($challenge) unless $headers->sec_websocket_key; return $tx; } sub parse_frame { my ($buffer, $max) = @_; # Head return undef unless length $$buffer >= 2; my ($first, $second) = unpack 'C2', $$buffer; # FIN my $fin = ($first & 0b10000000) == 0b10000000 ? 1 : 0; # RSV1-3 my $rsv1 = ($first & 0b01000000) == 0b01000000 ? 1 : 0; my $rsv2 = ($first & 0b00100000) == 0b00100000 ? 1 : 0; my $rsv3 = ($first & 0b00010000) == 0b00010000 ? 1 : 0; # Opcode my $op = $first & 0b00001111; warn "-- Parsing frame ($fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op)\n" if DEBUG; # Small payload my ($hlen, $len) = (2, $second & 0b01111111); if ($len < 126) { warn "-- Small payload ($len)\n" if DEBUG } # Extended payload (16-bit) elsif ($len == 126) { return undef unless length $$buffer > 4; $hlen = 4; $len = unpack 'x2n', $$buffer; warn "-- Extended 16-bit payload ($len)\n" if DEBUG; } # Extended payload (64-bit with 32-bit fallback) elsif ($len == 127) { return undef unless length $$buffer > 10; $hlen = 10; $len = MODERN ? unpack('x2Q>', $$buffer) : unpack('x2x4N', $$buffer); warn "-- Extended 64-bit payload ($len)\n" if DEBUG; } # Check message size return 1 if $len > $max; # Check if whole packet has arrived $len += 4 if my $masked = $second & 0b10000000; return undef if length $$buffer < ($hlen + $len); substr $$buffer, 0, $hlen, ''; # Payload my $payload = $len ? substr($$buffer, 0, $len, '') : ''; $payload = xor_encode($payload, substr($payload, 0, 4, '') x 128) if $masked; warn dumper $payload if DEBUG; return [$fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload]; } sub server_handshake { my $tx = shift; my $headers = $tx->res->headers; $headers->upgrade('websocket')->connection('Upgrade'); $headers->sec_websocket_accept(_challenge($tx->req->headers->sec_websocket_key)); return $tx; } sub _challenge { b64_encode(sha1_bytes(($_[0] || '') . GUID), '') } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::WebSocket - The WebSocket protocol =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::WebSocket qw(WS_TEXT build_frame parse_frame); my $bytes = build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_TEXT, 'Hello World!'; my $frame = parse_frame \$bytes, 262144; =head1 DESCRIPTION L implements the WebSocket protocol as described in L. Note that 64-bit frames require a Perl with support for quads or they are limited to 32-bit. =head1 FUNCTIONS L implements the following functions, which can be imported individually. =head2 build_frame my $bytes = build_frame $masked, $fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload; Build WebSocket frame. # Masked binary frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_BINARY, 'Hello World!'; # Text frame with payload but without FIN bit say build_frame 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, WS_TEXT, 'Hello '; # Continuation frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_CONTINUATION, 'World!'; # Close frame with FIN bit and without payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_CLOSE, ''; # Ping frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PING, 'Test 123'; # Pong frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PONG, 'Test 123'; =head2 challenge my $bool = challenge Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket->new; Check WebSocket handshake challenge. =head2 client_handshake my $tx = client_handshake Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new; Perform WebSocket handshake client-side. =head2 parse_frame my $frame = parse_frame \$bytes, $limit; Parse WebSocket frame. # Parse single frame and remove it from buffer my $frame = parse_frame \$buffer, 262144; say "FIN: $frame->[0]"; say "RSV1: $frame->[1]"; say "RSV2: $frame->[2]"; say "RSV3: $frame->[3]"; say "Opcode: $frame->[4]"; say "Payload: $frame->[5]"; =head2 server_handshake my $tx = server_handshake Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new; Perform WebSocket handshake server-side. =head1 CONSTANTS L implements the following constants, which can be imported individually. =head2 WS_BINARY Opcode for C frames. =head2 WS_CLOSE Opcode for C frames. =head2 WS_CONTINUATION Opcode for C frames. =head2 WS_PING Opcode for C frames. =head2 WS_PONG Opcode for C frames. =head2 WS_TEXT Opcode for C frames. =head1 DEBUGGING You can set the C environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information printed to C. MOJO_WEBSOCKET_DEBUG=1 =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut