package Minion::Command::minion::job; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json); use Mojo::Util qw(getopt tablify); has description => 'Manage Minion jobs'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub run { my ($self, @args) = @_; my ($args, $options) = ([], {}); getopt \@args, 'A|attempts=i' => \$options->{attempts}, 'a|args=s' => sub { $args = decode_json($_[1]) }, 'b|broadcast=s' => (\my $command), 'd|delay=i' => \$options->{delay}, 'E|expire=i' => \$options->{expire}, 'e|enqueue=s' => \my $enqueue, 'f|foreground' => \my $foreground, 'H|history' => \my $history, 'L|locks' => \my $locks, 'l|limit=i' => \(my $limit = 100), 'n|notes=s' => sub { $options->{notes} = decode_json($_[1]) }, 'o|offset=i' => \(my $offset = 0), 'P|parent=s' => sub { push @{$options->{parents}}, $_[1] }, 'p|priority=i' => \$options->{priority}, 'q|queue=s' => sub { push @{$options->{queues}}, $options->{queue} = $_[1] }, 'R|retry' => \my $retry, 'retry-failed' => \my $retry_failed, 'remove' => \my $remove, 'remove-failed' => \my $remove_failed, 'S|state=s' => sub { push @{$options->{states}}, $_[1] }, 's|stats' => \my $stats, 'T|tasks' => \my $tasks, 't|task=s' => sub { push @{$options->{tasks}}, $_[1] }, 'U|unlock=s' => \my $unlock, 'w|workers' => \my $workers, 'x|lax=s' => \$options->{lax}; # Worker remote control command my $minion = $self->app->minion; return $minion->backend->broadcast($command, $args, \@args) if $command; # Enqueue return say $minion->enqueue($enqueue, $args, $options) if $enqueue; # Show stats return $self->_stats if $stats; # Show history return print Minion::_dump($minion->history) if $history; # List tasks return print tablify [map { [$_, $minion->class_for_task($_)] } keys %{$minion->tasks}] if $tasks; # Iterate through failed jobs return $minion->jobs({states => ['failed']})->each(sub { $minion->job($_->{id})->remove }) if $remove_failed; return $minion->jobs({states => ['failed']})->each(sub { $minion->job($_->{id})->retry }) if $retry_failed; # Locks return $minion->unlock($unlock) if $unlock; return $self->_list_locks($offset, $limit, @args ? {names => \@args} : ()) if $locks; # Workers my $id = @args ? shift @args : undef; return $id ? $self->_worker($id) : $self->_list_workers($offset, $limit) if $workers; # List jobs return $self->_list_jobs($offset, $limit, $options) unless defined $id; die "Job does not exist.\n" unless my $job = $minion->job($id); # Remove job return $job->remove || die "Job is active.\n" if $remove; # Retry job return $job->retry($options) || die "Job is active.\n" if $retry; # Perform job in foreground return $minion->foreground($id) || die "Job is not ready.\n" if $foreground; # Job info print Minion::_dump(Minion::_datetime($job->info)); } sub _list_jobs { my $jobs = shift->app->minion->backend->list_jobs(@_)->{jobs}; print tablify [map { [@$_{qw(id state queue task)}] } @$jobs]; } sub _list_locks { my $locks = shift->app->minion->backend->list_locks(@_)->{locks}; @$locks = map { Minion::_datetime($_) } @$locks; print tablify [map { [@$_{qw(id name expires)}] } @$locks]; } sub _list_workers { my $workers = shift->app->minion->backend->list_workers(@_)->{workers}; my @workers = map { [$_->{id}, $_->{host} . ':' . $_->{pid}] } @$workers; print tablify \@workers; } sub _stats { print Minion::_dump(shift->app->minion->stats) } sub _worker { my $worker = shift->app->minion->backend->list_workers(0, 1, {ids => [shift]})->{workers}[0]; die "Worker does not exist.\n" unless $worker; print Minion::_dump(Minion::_datetime($worker)); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Minion::Command::minion::job - Minion job command =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: APPLICATION minion job [OPTIONS] [IDS] ./ minion job ./ minion job 10023 ./ minion job -w ./ minion job -w 23 ./ minion job -s ./ minion job -f 10023 ./ minion job -q important -t foo -t bar -S inactive ./ minion job -q 'host:localhost' -S inactive ./ minion job -e foo -a '[23, "bar"]' ./ minion job -e foo -x 1 -P 10023 -P 10024 -p 5 -q important ./ minion job -e 'foo' -n '{"test":123}' ./ minion job -R -d 10 -E 300 10023 ./ minion job --remove 10023 ./ minion job --retry-failed ./ minion job -n '["test"]' ./ minion job -L ./ minion job -L some_lock some_other_lock ./ minion job -b jobs -a '[12]' ./ minion job -b jobs -a '[12]' 23 24 25 Options: -A, --attempts Number of times performing this new job will be attempted, defaults to 1 -a, --args Arguments for new job or worker remote control command in JSON format -b, --broadcast Broadcast remote control command to one or more workers -d, --delay Delay new job for this many seconds -E, --expire New job is valid for this many seconds before it expires -e, --enqueue New job to be enqueued -f, --foreground Retry job in "minion_foreground" queue and perform it right away in the foreground (very useful for debugging) -H, --history Show queue history -h, --help Show this summary of available options --home Path to home directory of your application, defaults to the value of MOJO_HOME or auto-detection -L, --locks List active named locks -l, --limit Number of jobs/workers to show when listing them, defaults to 100 -m, --mode Operating mode for your application, defaults to the value of MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development" -n, --notes Notes in JSON format for new job or list only jobs with one of these notes -o, --offset Number of jobs/workers to skip when listing them, defaults to 0 -P, --parent One or more jobs the new job depends on -p, --priority Priority of new job, defaults to 0 -q, --queue Queue to put new job in, defaults to "default", or list only jobs in these queues -R, --retry Retry job --retry-failed Retry all failed jobs at once --remove Remove job --remove-failed Remove all failed jobs at once -S, --state List only jobs in these states -s, --stats Show queue statistics -T, --tasks List available tasks -t, --task List only jobs for these tasks -U, --unlock Release named lock -w, --workers List workers instead of jobs, or show information for a specific worker -x, --lax Jobs this job depends on may also have failed to allow for it to be processed =head1 DESCRIPTION L manages the L job queue. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L inherits all attributes from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 description my $description = $job->description; $job = $job->description('Foo'); Short description of this command, used for the command list. =head2 usage my $usage = $job->usage; $job = $job->usage('Foo'); Usage information for this command, used for the help screen. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 run $job->run(@ARGV); Run this command. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L. =cut