package Minion; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter'; use Carp qw(croak); use Config; use Minion::Iterator; use Minion::Job; use Minion::Worker; use Mojo::Date; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Loader qw(load_class); use Mojo::Promise; use Mojo::Server; use Mojo::Util qw(scope_guard steady_time); use YAML::XS qw(Dump); has app => sub { $_[0]{app_ref} = Mojo::Server->new->build_app('Mojo::HelloWorld') }, weak => 1; has 'backend'; has backoff => sub { \&_backoff }; has missing_after => 1800; has [qw(remove_after stuck_after)] => 172800; has tasks => sub { {} }; our $VERSION = '10.30'; sub add_task { my ($self, $name, $task) = @_; unless (ref $task) { my $e = load_class $task; croak ref $e ? $e : qq{Task "$task" missing} if $e; croak qq{Task "$task" is not a Minion::Job subclass} unless $task->isa('Minion::Job'); } $self->tasks->{$name} = $task; return $self; } sub broadcast { shift->backend->broadcast(@_) } sub class_for_task { my ($self, $task) = @_; my $class = $self->tasks->{$task}; return !$class || ref $class ? 'Minion::Job' : $class; } sub enqueue { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->backend->enqueue(@_); $self->emit(enqueue => $id); return $id; } sub foreground { my ($self, $id) = @_; return undef unless my $job = $self->job($id); return undef unless $job->retry({attempts => 1, queue => 'minion_foreground'}); # Reset event loop Mojo::IOLoop->reset; local $SIG{CHLD} = local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = local $SIG{QUIT} = 'DEFAULT'; my $worker = $self->worker->register; $job = $worker->dequeue(0 => {id => $id, queues => ['minion_foreground']}); my $err; if ($job) { defined($err = $job->execute) ? $job->fail($err) : $job->finish } $worker->unregister; return defined $err ? die $err : !!$job; } sub guard { my ($self, $name, $duration, $options) = @_; my $time = steady_time + $duration; return undef unless $self->lock($name, $duration, $options); return scope_guard sub { $self->unlock($name) if steady_time < $time }; } sub history { shift->backend->history } sub is_locked { !shift->lock(shift, 0) } sub job { my ($self, $id) = @_; return undef unless my $job = $self->_info($id); return $self->class_for_task($job->{task}) ->new(args => $job->{args}, id => $job->{id}, minion => $self, retries => $job->{retries}, task => $job->{task}); } sub jobs { shift->_iterator(1, @_) } sub lock { shift->backend->lock(@_) } sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new; my $class = 'Minion::Backend::' . shift; my $e = load_class $class; croak ref $e ? $e : qq{Backend "$class" missing} if $e; return $self->backend($class->new(@_)->minion($self)); } sub perform_jobs { _perform_jobs(0, @_) } sub perform_jobs_in_foreground { _perform_jobs(1, @_) } sub repair { shift->_delegate('repair') } sub reset { shift->_delegate('reset', @_) } sub result_p { my ($self, $id, $options) = (shift, shift, shift // {}); my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; my $cb = sub { $self->_result($promise, $id) }; my $timer = Mojo::IOLoop->recurring($options->{interval} // 3 => $cb); $promise->finally(sub { Mojo::IOLoop->remove($timer) })->catch(sub { }); $cb->(); return $promise; } sub stats { shift->backend->stats } sub unlock { shift->backend->unlock(@_) } sub worker { my $self = shift; # No fork emulation support croak 'Minion workers do not support fork emulation' if $Config{d_pseudofork}; my $worker = Minion::Worker->new(minion => $self); $self->emit(worker => $worker); return $worker; } sub workers { shift->_iterator(0, @_) } sub _backoff { (shift()**4) + 15 } # Used by the job command and admin plugin sub _datetime { my $hash = shift; $hash->{$_} and $hash->{$_} = Mojo::Date->new($hash->{$_})->to_datetime for qw(created delayed expires finished notified retried started time); return $hash; } sub _delegate { my ($self, $method) = (shift, shift); $self->backend->$method(@_); return $self; } sub _dump { local $YAML::XS::Boolean = 'JSON::PP'; Dump(@_) } sub _iterator { my ($self, $jobs, $options) = (shift, shift, shift // {}); return Minion::Iterator->new(minion => $self, options => $options, jobs => $jobs); } sub _info { shift->backend->list_jobs(0, 1, {ids => [shift]})->{jobs}[0] } sub _perform_jobs { my ($foreground, $minion, $options) = @_; my $worker = $minion->worker; while (my $job = $worker->register->dequeue(0, $options)) { if (!$foreground) { $job->perform } elsif (defined(my $err = $job->execute)) { $job->fail($err) } else { $job->finish } } $worker->unregister; } sub _result { my ($self, $promise, $id) = @_; return $promise->resolve unless my $job = $self->_info($id); if ($job->{state} eq 'finished') { $promise->resolve($job) } elsif ($job->{state} eq 'failed') { $promise->reject($job) } } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Minion - Job queue =head1 SYNOPSIS use Minion; # Connect to backend my $minion = Minion->new(Pg => 'postgresql://postgres@/test'); # Add tasks $minion->add_task(something_slow => sub ($job, @args) { sleep 5; say 'This is a background worker process.'; }); # Enqueue jobs $minion->enqueue(something_slow => ['foo', 'bar']); $minion->enqueue(something_slow => [1, 2, 3] => {priority => 5}); # Perform jobs for testing $minion->enqueue(something_slow => ['foo', 'bar']); $minion->perform_jobs; # Start a worker to perform up to 12 jobs concurrently my $worker = $minion->worker; $worker->status->{jobs} = 12; $worker->run; =head1 DESCRIPTION =begin html


=end html L is a high performance job queue for the Perl programming language, with support for multiple named queues, priorities, high priority fast lane, delayed jobs, job dependencies, job progress, job results, retries with backoff, rate limiting, unique jobs, expiring jobs, statistics, distributed workers, parallel processing, autoscaling, remote control, L admin ui, resource leak protection and multiple backends (such as L). Job queues allow you to process time and/or computationally intensive tasks in background processes, outside of the request/response lifecycle of web applications. Among those tasks you'll commonly find image resizing, spam filtering, HTTP downloads, building tarballs, warming caches and basically everything else you can imagine that's not super fast. Take a look at our excellent documentation in L! =head1 EXAMPLES This distribution also contains a great example application you can use for inspiration. The L will show you how to integrate background jobs into well-structured L applications. =head1 EVENTS L inherits all events from L and can emit the following new ones. =head2 enqueue $minion->on(enqueue => sub ($minion, $id) { ... }); Emitted after a job has been enqueued, in the process that enqueued it. $minion->on(enqueue => sub ($minion, $id) { say "Job $id has been enqueued."; }); =head2 worker $minion->on(worker => sub ($minion, $worker) { ... }); Emitted in the worker process after it has been created. $minion->on(worker => sub ($minion, $worker) { say "Worker $$ started."; }); =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 app my $app = $minion->app; $minion = $minion->app(MyApp->new); Application for job queue, defaults to a L object. Note that this attribute is weakened. =head2 backend my $backend = $minion->backend; $minion = $minion->backend(Minion::Backend::Pg->new); Backend, usually a L object. =head2 backoff my $cb = $minion->backoff; $minion = $minion->backoff(sub {...}); A callback used to calculate the delay for automatically retried jobs, defaults to C<(retries ** 4) + 15> (15, 16, 31, 96, 271, 640...), which means that roughly C<25> attempts can be made in C<21> days. $minion->backoff(sub ($retries) { return ($retries ** 4) + 15 + int(rand 30); }); =head2 missing_after my $after = $minion->missing_after; $minion = $minion->missing_after(172800); Amount of time in seconds after which workers without a heartbeat will be considered missing and removed from the registry by L, defaults to C<1800> (30 minutes). =head2 remove_after my $after = $minion->remove_after; $minion = $minion->remove_after(86400); Amount of time in seconds after which jobs that have reached the state C and have no unresolved dependencies will be removed automatically by L, defaults to C<172800> (2 days). It is not recommended to set this value below 2 days. =head2 stuck_after my $after = $minion->stuck_after; $minion = $minion->stuck_after(86400); Amount of time in seconds after which jobs that have not been processed will be considered stuck by L and transition to the C state, defaults to C<172800> (2 days). =head2 tasks my $tasks = $minion->tasks; $minion = $minion->tasks({foo => sub {...}}); Registered tasks. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 add_task $minion = $minion->add_task(foo => sub {...}); $minion = $minion->add_task(foo => 'MyApp::Task::Foo'); Register a task, which can be a closure or a custom L subclass. Note that support for custom task classes is B and might change without warning! # Job with result $minion->add_task(add => sub ($job, $first, $second) { $job->finish($first + $second); }); my $id = $minion->enqueue(add => [1, 1]); my $result = $minion->job($id)->info->{result}; =head2 broadcast my $bool = $minion->broadcast('some_command'); my $bool = $minion->broadcast('some_command', [@args]); my $bool = $minion->broadcast('some_command', [@args], [$id1, $id2, $id3]); Broadcast remote control command to one or more workers. # Broadcast "stop" command to all workers to kill job 10025 $minion->broadcast('stop', [10025]); # Broadcast "kill" command to all workers to interrupt job 10026 $minion->broadcast('kill', ['INT', 10026]); # Broadcast "jobs" command to pause worker 23 $minion->broadcast('jobs', [0], [23]); =head2 class_for_task my $class = $minion->class_for_task('foo'); Return job class for task. Note that this method is B and might change without warning! =head2 enqueue my $id = $minion->enqueue('foo'); my $id = $minion->enqueue(foo => [@args]); my $id = $minion->enqueue(foo => [@args] => {priority => 1}); Enqueue a new job with C state. Arguments get serialized by the L (often with L), so you shouldn't send objects and be careful with binary data, nested data structures with hash and array references are fine though. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted, with a delay based on L after the first attempt, defaults to C<1>. =item delay delay => 10 Delay job for this many seconds (from now), defaults to C<0>. =item expire expire => 300 Job is valid for this many seconds (from now) before it expires. =item lax lax => 1 Existing jobs this job depends on may also have transitioned to the C state to allow for it to be processed, defaults to C. Note that this option is B and might change without warning! =item notes notes => {foo => 'bar', baz => [1, 2, 3]} Hash reference with arbitrary metadata for this job that gets serialized by the L (often with L), so you shouldn't send objects and be careful with binary data, nested data structures with hash and array references are fine though. =item parents parents => [$id1, $id2, $id3] One or more existing jobs this job depends on, and that need to have transitioned to the state C before it can be processed. =item priority priority => 5 Job priority, defaults to C<0>. Jobs with a higher priority get performed first. Priorities can be positive or negative, but should be in the range between C<100> and C<-100>. =item queue queue => 'important' Queue to put job in, defaults to C. =back =head2 foreground my $bool = $minion->foreground($id); Retry job in C queue, then perform it right away with a temporary worker in this process, very useful for debugging. =head2 guard my $guard = $minion->guard('foo', 3600); my $guard = $minion->guard('foo', 3600, {limit => 20}); Same as L, but returns a scope guard object that automatically releases the lock as soon as the object is destroyed, or C if aquiring the lock failed. # Only one job should run at a time (unique job) $minion->add_task(do_unique_stuff => sub ($job, @args) { return $job->finish('Previous job is still active') unless my $guard = $minion->guard('fragile_backend_service', 7200); ... }); # Only five jobs should run at a time and we try again later if necessary $minion->add_task(do_concurrent_stuff => sub ($job, @args) { return $job->retry({delay => 30}) unless my $guard = $minion->guard('some_web_service', 60, {limit => 5}); ... }); =head2 history my $history = $minion->history; Get history information for job queue. These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item daily daily => [{epoch => 12345, finished_jobs => 95, failed_jobs => 2}, ...] Hourly counts for processed jobs from the past day. =back =head2 is_locked my $bool = $minion->is_locked('foo'); Check if a lock with that name is currently active. =head2 job my $job = $minion->job($id); Get L object without making any changes to the actual job or return C if job does not exist. # Check job state my $state = $minion->job($id)->info->{state}; # Get job metadata my $progress = $minion->job($id)->info->{notes}{progress}; # Get job result my $result = $minion->job($id)->info->{result}; =head2 jobs my $jobs = $minion->jobs; my $jobs = $minion->jobs({states => ['inactive']}); Return L object to safely iterate through job information. # Iterate through jobs for two tasks my $jobs = $minion->jobs({tasks => ['foo', 'bar']}); while (my $info = $jobs->next) { say "$info->{id}: $info->{state}"; } # Remove all failed jobs from a named queue my $jobs = $minion->jobs({states => ['failed'], queues => ['unimportant']}); while (my $info = $jobs->next) { $minion->job($info->{id})->remove; } # Count failed jobs for a task say $minion->jobs({states => ['failed'], tasks => ['foo']})->total; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item ids ids => ['23', '24'] List only jobs with these ids. =item notes notes => ['foo', 'bar'] List only jobs with one of these notes. =item queues queues => ['important', 'unimportant'] List only jobs in these queues. =item states states => ['inactive', 'active'] List only jobs in these states. =item tasks tasks => ['foo', 'bar'] List only jobs for these tasks. =back These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item args args => ['foo', 'bar'] Job arguments. =item attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted. =item children children => ['10026', '10027', '10028'] Jobs depending on this job. =item created created => 784111777 Epoch time job was created. =item delayed delayed => 784111777 Epoch time job was delayed to. =item expires expires => 784111777 Epoch time job is valid until before it expires. =item finished finished => 784111777 Epoch time job was finished. =item id id => 10025 Job id. =item lax lax => 0 Existing jobs this job depends on may also have failed to allow for it to be processed. =item notes notes => {foo => 'bar', baz => [1, 2, 3]} Hash reference with arbitrary metadata for this job. =item parents parents => ['10023', '10024', '10025'] Jobs this job depends on. =item priority priority => 3 Job priority. =item queue queue => 'important' Queue name. =item result result => 'All went well!' Job result. =item retried retried => 784111777 Epoch time job has been retried. =item retries retries => 3 Number of times job has been retried. =item started started => 784111777 Epoch time job was started. =item state state => 'inactive' Current job state, usually C, C, C or C. =item task task => 'foo' Task name. =item time time => 78411177 Server time. =item worker worker => '154' Id of worker that is processing the job. =back =head2 lock my $bool = $minion->lock('foo', 3600); my $bool = $minion->lock('foo', 3600, {limit => 20}); Try to acquire a named lock that will expire automatically after the given amount of time in seconds. You can release the lock manually with L to limit concurrency, or let it expire for rate limiting. For convenience you can also use L to release the lock automatically, even if the job failed. # Only one job should run at a time (unique job) $minion->add_task(do_unique_stuff => sub ($job, @args) { return $job->finish('Previous job is still active') unless $minion->lock('fragile_backend_service', 7200); ... $minion->unlock('fragile_backend_service'); }); # Only five jobs should run at a time and we wait for our turn $minion->add_task(do_concurrent_stuff => sub ($job, @args) { sleep 1 until $minion->lock('some_web_service', 60, {limit => 5}); ... $minion->unlock('some_web_service'); }); # Only a hundred jobs should run per hour and we try again later if necessary $minion->add_task(do_rate_limited_stuff => sub ($job, @args) { return $job->retry({delay => 3600}) unless $minion->lock('another_web_service', 3600, {limit => 100}); ... }); An expiration time of C<0> can be used to check if a named lock could have been acquired without creating one. # Check if the lock "foo" could have been acquired say 'Lock could have been acquired' unless $minion->lock('foo', 0); Or to simply check if a named lock already exists you can also use L. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item limit limit => 20 Number of shared locks with the same name that can be active at the same time, defaults to C<1>. =back =head2 new my $minion = Minion->new(Pg => 'postgresql://postgres@/test'); my $minion = Minion->new(Pg => Mojo::Pg->new); Construct a new L object. =head2 perform_jobs $minion->perform_jobs; $minion->perform_jobs({queues => ['important']}); Perform all jobs with a temporary worker, very useful for testing. # Longer version my $worker = $minion->worker; while (my $job = $worker->register->dequeue(0)) { $job->perform } $worker->unregister; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item id id => '10023' Dequeue a specific job. =item min_priority min_priority => 3 Do not dequeue jobs with a lower priority. =item queues queues => ['important'] One or more queues to dequeue jobs from, defaults to C. =back =head2 perform_jobs_in_foreground $minion->perform_jobs_in_foreground; $minion->perform_jobs_in_foreground({queues => ['important']}); Same as L, but all jobs are performed in the current process, without spawning new processes. =head2 repair $minion = $minion->repair; Repair worker registry and job queue if necessary. =head2 reset $minion = $minion->reset({all => 1}); Reset job queue. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item all all => 1 Reset everything. =item locks locks => 1 Reset only locks. =back =head2 result_p my $promise = $minion->result_p($id); my $promise = $minion->result_p($id, {interval => 5}); Return a L object for the result of a job. The state C will result in the promise being C, and the state C in the promise being C. This operation can be cancelled by resolving the promise manually at any time. # Enqueue job and receive the result at some point in the future my $id = $minion->enqueue('foo'); $minion->result_p($id)->then(sub ($info) { my $result = ref $info ? $info->{result} : 'Job already removed'; say "Finished: $result"; })->catch(sub ($info) { say "Failed: $info->{result}"; })->wait; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item interval interval => 5 Polling interval in seconds for checking if the state of the job has changed, defaults to C<3>. =back =head2 stats my $stats = $minion->stats; Get statistics for the job queue. # Check idle workers my $idle = $minion->stats->{inactive_workers}; These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item active_jobs active_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C state. =item active_locks active_locks => 100 Number of active named locks. =item active_workers active_workers => 100 Number of workers that are currently processing a job. =item delayed_jobs delayed_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C state that are scheduled to run at specific time in the future or have unresolved dependencies. =item enqueued_jobs enqueued_jobs => 100000 Rough estimate of how many jobs have ever been enqueued. =item failed_jobs failed_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C state. =item finished_jobs finished_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C state. =item inactive_jobs inactive_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C state. =item inactive_workers inactive_workers => 100 Number of workers that are currently not processing a job. =item uptime uptime => 1000 Uptime in seconds. =item workers workers => 200; Number of registered workers. =back =head2 unlock my $bool = $minion->unlock('foo'); Release a named lock that has been previously acquired with L. =head2 worker my $worker = $minion->worker; Build L object. Note that this method should only be used to implement custom workers. # Use the standard worker with all its features my $worker = $minion->worker; $worker->status->{jobs} = 12; $worker->status->{queues} = ['important']; $worker->run; # Perform one job manually in a separate process my $worker = $minion->repair->worker->register; my $job = $worker->dequeue(5); $job->perform; $worker->unregister; # Perform one job manually in this process my $worker = $minion->repair->worker->register; my $job = $worker->dequeue(5); if (my $err = $job->execute) { $job->fail($err) } else { $job->finish } $worker->unregister; # Build a custom worker performing multiple jobs at the same time my %jobs; my $worker = $minion->repair->worker->register; do { for my $id (keys %jobs) { delete $jobs{$id} if $jobs{$id}->is_finished; } if (keys %jobs >= 4) { sleep 5 } else { my $job = $worker->dequeue(5); $jobs{$job->id} = $job->start if $job; } } while keys %jobs; $worker->unregister; =head2 workers my $workers = $minion->workers; my $workers = $minion->workers({ids => [2, 3]}); Return L object to safely iterate through worker information. # Iterate through workers my $workers = $minion->workers; while (my $info = $workers->next) { say "$info->{id}: $info->{host}"; } These options are currently available: =over 2 =item ids ids => ['23', '24'] List only workers with these ids. =back These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item id id => 22 Worker id. =item host host => 'localhost' Worker host. =item jobs jobs => ['10023', '10024', '10025', '10029'] Ids of jobs the worker is currently processing. =item notified notified => 784111777 Epoch time worker sent the last heartbeat. =item pid pid => 12345 Process id of worker. =item started started => 784111777 Epoch time worker was started. =item status status => {queues => ['default', 'important']} Hash reference with whatever status information the worker would like to share. =back =head1 API This is the class hierarchy of the L distribution. =over 2 =item * L =item * L =over 2 =item * L =back =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =head1 BUNDLED FILES The L distribution includes a few files with different licenses that have been bundled for internal use. =head2 Minion Artwork Copyright (C) 2017, Sebastian Riedel. Licensed under the CC-SA License, Version 4.0 L. =head2 Bootstrap Copyright (C) 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors. Licensed under the MIT License, L. =head2 jQuery Copyright (C) jQuery Foundation. Licensed under the MIT License, L. =head2 D3.js Copyright (C) 2010-2016, Michael Bostock. Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License, L. =head2 epoch.js Copyright (C) 2014 Fastly, Inc. Licensed under the MIT License, L. =head2 Font Awesome Copyright (C) Dave Gandy. Licensed under the MIT License, L, and the SIL OFL 1.1, L. =head2 moment.js Copyright (C) JS Foundation and other contributors. Licensed under the MIT License, L. =head1 AUTHORS =head2 Project Founder Sebastian Riedel, C. =head2 Contributors In alphabetical order: =over 2 Andrey Khozov Andrii Nikitin Brian Medley Franz Skale Hubert "depesz" Lubaczewski Joel Berger Paul Williams Stefan Adams Stuart Skelton =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2024, Sebastian Riedel and others. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L. =cut